Servicio completo de SEO Colombia
El tráfico generado a un portal web por aparecer en los resultados orgánicos de Google es clave para la obtención de prospectos de calidad y costo eficientes. Pero hacer SEO (Search engine optimization) que es la técnica de aparecer en los resultados orgnánicos de los buscadores sin pagar nada no es fácil.
Se requiere de muchas actividades para rankear en una buena pocisión. Un servicio completo de SEO debe contener en general los sigiuentes pasos:
- Consultoría Inicial para alinear la táctica SEO con la estrategia general de la empresa
- Análisis de la industria y de los competidores
- Selección del diccionario de palabras claves que serán usadas para la estrategia SEO del portal.
- Optimización de la propia página Web (contenidos, arquitectura, imágenes y etiquetas)
- Creación de contenido Único y Original
- Inclusión en Directorios
- Desarrollo de links internos y de backlinks.
- Seguimiento a palabras claves y su posicionamiento en motores de búsqueda.
- Consultoría continuada en Optimización en motores de búsqueda.
- Creación de Sitemap directamente en la página para que los motores de busqueda puedan rastrear todos sus contenidos así como subir un sitemap (en fomrato XML) en Google Webmaster Tools.[hs_contact name=”Woobsing” address=”Calle 95 # 15 – 33″ citystate=”Bogota/Colombia/110221″ phone=”+57(1)6225505″ display=”both”]
En una página muy buena de optimización Web llamada
Aquí es lo que ellos recomeindan.
Complete SEO Service
Initial Consultation
Through an initial conference call consultation, we will identify your site s goals and needs. By finding out exactly what you hope to achieve with your optimization efforts, we will develop a plan of action that will help you achieve your search engine marketing objectives.
Keyword Research
After analyzing your industry for the most popular and marketable search phrases, we will develop a list of keywords that will be included in our content writing and link building efforts. After we prepare a final list of keywords, you will choose the specific keyword phrases that your site wishes to rank for, and after approval of the final keyword list, our optimization efforts will begin.
Directory Submissions
BetterRankings will submit your site to popular directories within major search engines. By affiliating your site with a broader network of popular Web pages, you will enhance your site s visibility and relevancy.
Site Optimization
Once a finalized keyword list is developed, our team will optimize the titles, tags and META descriptions of every single page on your site. By including specific keyword phrases in the actual source code of your Web pages, your site will have an easier time ranking for relevant, commonly searched phrases.
Keyword-Rich Content Creation
At BetterRankings, we have a skilled team of professional content writers who know how to produce interesting and engaging material for the Web. Whether you need landing pages, product reviews, articles, interviews, press releases or blog postings, our team of writers will create a unique content package that addresses the specific needs of your business.
Site Map Creation
Organizing the pages of your site into logical, easy-to-follow themes will make your site easier to crawl. A well-ordered site map will not only help the search engine spiders, it will also increase your site s usability for Internet users.
Link Development
Search engines want to know that other sites will vouch for you. By including a variety of links from popular, topical Web sites, you can create an entire network of valuable Internet references. Through one-way links, text link ads and pay-per-post links from blogs, you can build up the credibility of your site and enhance your visibility on the search engine result pages (SERPs).
Ranking Reports Once our SEO efforts are underway, you will be able to track the development of your search engine ascent with detailed ranking reports. By monitoring the progress of your SEO strategy, you can adjust your plan at will. At any time, you can choose to remove or introduce specific keyword phrases in order to maximize the benefits of improved rankings.